Kounta 1.2 iPad Update has removed your Register – here’s what to do.

Posted by: Moe Assafiri
Category: Point of Sale

You may have been greeted this morning to a red notification on Kounta saying that Your device has been deregistered or your login screen did not give you the option to go back to POS. When you logged in to the back office and tapped on POS, all your POS registers appear but they are greyed out.  Don’t stress, re-registering your device is easy and we will be detailing how to re-register your Kounta POS.

A recent update for Kounta through the Appstore has caused iPads to deregister the point of sale. Appstore updates are rare and they can cause these types of bugs.

Before you continue, check if your iPad has updated to version 1.2. To check, open the Appstore on your iPad and tap on the Updates tab – if you see Kounta, tap update before you continue.

Time needed: 4 minutes

Kounta is a cloud POS managed by the web interface. It is here where you enter your products, configure your site settings and manage your POS devices. When you create a Register in Kounta you may link it to a device by “connecting” it to that register. Once connected, no other device may use that Register until you “Recycle” the Register or delete and create a new Register.

Recycling a Kounta POS register

To do this, follow the simple steps below:

  1. Login to your Kounta back office by going to my.kounta.com and entering your email and password
  2. Once logged in, you will need to navigate to Sites
  3. If you have more than one site, select your site from the list, if you only have the one you will be directed to your site
  4. Go to Devices, then Registers
  5. Click the Cog icon to the right of the register you wish to Recycle
  6. In the Register settings, click Recycle Device
  7. In the pop up dialog, click Yes to continue
  8. Make sure you click Save
  9. You will now notice that the register status is now “Unregistered” meaning it can now be connected to another device.screen-shot-2016-09-08-at-11-01-18-am


Now, on your POS iPad open Kounta and Log in using your username and password.

  1. Click “POS” in the top right hand corner of the back office
  2. Select the available Register from the list
  3. Kounta POS will now load on the device



The AppStore updates are extremely rare, when they are released, they can cause these type registration issues.
Luckily it takes less than 5 minutes to re-register your device and get you back online. Running the latest version of Kounta software is always recommended as it ensures the best performance, security and features.

Author: Moe Assafiri
Mouhamed "Moe" Assafiri has a degree in Information Systems and over 5 year experience with cloud Point of Sale implantation and networking. He has worked with a range of Point of Sale solutions available in Australia and world-wide and delivered 100's of hospitality and retail projects across Australia.

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